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Our Programs

Get involved with Cycle Sanpete events and activites!

cycle sanpete

Community Rides & Activities

Our mission is to get people out on their bikes, bringing people together, reducing traffic and congestion, improving air quality, health and fitness. To elevate the participant experience during community rides and activities, we sometimes offer meaningful giveaways. 


  • Bike Maintenance Workshops: Workshops teach people how to fix their bikes and we help them every step of the way. 

  • Mother’s Day Flower ride: We deliver flowers on our bikes to nominated mothers.

  • Community Barbeque: People are encouraged to ride their bikes or walk over for a free community barbeque.

  • Bike from 5 Challenge: Ride your bike ride to a destination within 5 miles and win prizes. 

  • Community Bike Rides: Bringing the community together for fun rides around town. We support local businesses by stopping somewhere for a bite to eat. We usually hit the town, but sometimes we hit the mountain bike trails.

  • Pedal it Out Workshops:  Yoga, bike rides, provided lunch and workshop on improving mental health.

  • Mountain Bike Trail Support: We support volunteer activities dedicated to cleaning up our local mountain bike trails.


Bicycle Incentive Program

Our vision for our Incentive Program is to motivate individuals to ride their bicycles to daily destinations, particularly places like cafes, drink shacks, and restaurants. This initiative not only promotes physical activity and reduces traffic but also supports our local food industry. In collaboration with select locations, and generous donors, participants become eligible for complimentary drinks, snacks, and more, simply by biking to these venues. 


  • Ride your bike to Dr. Inks for a free regular shaved ice (Current)

  • Ride your bike to Charlee’s Comfort Kitchen for a free lemonade (past) 

  • Ride your bike to Roots 89 for a free root beer (past)

  • Ride your bike to Mt. Pleasant Mercantile for a free single scoop of ice-cream (Past)


Education & Awareness


Our vision is to have the educational resources and infrastructure to support more people biking, walking, and driving safely.

  • Social Media Ad Campaigns: Education on bike and street safety, with the goal of working towards zero traffic fatalities.

  • Local Conversations: Connecting with elected officials on important issues.

  • Traffic Safety Coalition Summit:  Data analysis with UDOT on Sanpete County's traffic fatalities and severe crashes. Guest speakers, lunch provided, take-home resources, and cash giveaways. Learn how to reduce accidents through infrastructure, education, and enforcement. 

  • After-school Book Club: Come learn about urban planning, economic development, and civic engagement. Implement ideas with community grants.

  • Grant writing support: Volunteering to help cities obtain the funding they need to make infrastructure improvements. 

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